Middlesex High School Home

Back to School Night

Principal’s Message

We would like to formally invite you to our Back to School Night that will be held on Monday, September 23rd. Our doors will open at 5:50pm.
Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

Any student interested in taking a Dual Enrollment course must create an account with Middlesex College, then apply for the desired course, and pay the necessary fees for the course at a cost of $135 per class. Once these steps are completed, the student will be registered.
Road Closure

South Lincoln Avenue Closed beginning Oct. 30, 2023

South Lincoln Avenue between Cap Lane and Voorhees Avenue will be closed starting Monday, October 30, 2023. Cap Lane and Voorhees Avenue will still be accessible, however, South Lincoln Avenue between those two roadways, will be closed to all traffic including pedestrians. The Army Corp is continuing with their flood/water remediation project, which includes erecting two retractable walls that span South Lincoln Avenue.
Working Papers

Need Working Papers?

As of June 1, 2023, you can obtain your working papers at https://myworkingpapers.nj.gov